The private videos of the lady, Nana Abena Korkor Addo, which went viral days ago, created a huge buzz on social media. The surprising thing about the whole drama is that, the lady, Nana Abena Korkor Addo came out to state that she released the videos herself so nobody should be blamed.
This has raised questions as to whether Nana Abena Korkor Addo is in her right senses or not. The girl has answered all those who have doubts about her sanity with a video she released after she personally put out those dirty videos.
She made it clear that she is in her right senses so people should not be worried. Here are five facts you need to know about her and her case.
She’s bold, beautiful and curvy. Her leaked videos even displayed more than we wanted to see. She’s the one on the left.
1. She’s smart, She’s studying Biomedical & Forensic Science in UCC
3.She takes her exercising and fitness serious .. watch the video below
Post by Benjamin Maidoff.