Spain intercepts Ghana-bound assault rifles, grenade launchers


Spanish security authorities have found a store of arms bound to Ghana from the US, as per Swiss news source

The report said the Spanish Common Watchman revealed the stash of 737 strike rifles and 72 projectile launchers, all made in Switzerland being sent to Ghana from the US.

The aggregate estimation of the reserve of arms has been put around $1.64 million.

The report demonstrates that the wellspring of the arms can be followed to Hungary, showing up in Spain a puzzle.

The revelation, the report says, was made on August 4, 2016.

Refering to Spanish powers, the report said the arms were announced "dismantled", however they were "new rifles in their unique bundling. As indicated by the going with records – which had some data missing – the weapons were to be transported to Ghana from business firearm merchants in the Unified States."

The Spanish are presently exploring the matter, the report said.

A Swiss production, Tages-Anzeiger which took a gander at the conveyance's fare record, affirmed that the weapons were for sure made in Switzerland and the exporters anticipated that the conveyance would go to Ghana, by means of a merchant in Hungary, in 2010.

It likewise put the aggregate estimation of the arms around $1.64 million, including that the purchaser, was given as the National Security Gathering of Ghana, noticing that certifications were made that the weapons would not be sold on, and would be for military use.

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